Diese schicke, geräumige Wohnung liegt in einer schönen Gegend in einem beliebten Bezirk Wiens. Mit 3 Schlafzimmern, 2 Badezimmern, einer voll ausgestatteten Küche und vielen zusätzlichen Annehmlichkeiten bietet sie dein perfektes Ferien-Zuhause! Bitte beachte, dass 1 Schlafzimmer zum ruhigen Innenhof und 2 Schlafzimmer zur befahrenen Straße ausgerichtet sind.
- If you lose our keys or you take the keys with you outside of official check-in and check-out hours please expect a charge of 140€ and higher. - Smoking is prohibited on the whole property, as well as parties and loud music.
- The digital guest registration form must be filled in on arrival day as its mandatory for the City of Vienna In the event of violations you will be charged a fee.
- If you lose our keys or you take the keys with you outside of official check-in and check-out hours please expect a charge of 140€ and higher. - Smoking is prohibited on the whole property, as well as parties and loud music.- The digital guest registration form must be filled in on arrival day as its mandatory for the City of Vienna In the event of violations you will be charged a fee.
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